Attachmate Advanced 3270 Adapter Settings Technical Bulletin 110 December 1993 Background The Attachmate Advanced 3270 Adapter links a PC to an IBM-compatible 3174, 3274, or 3276 control unit. The adapter works with an IBM or compatible PC/XT or AT, or a PS/2 with ISA slots. Although the adapter is best complemented by Attachmate EXTRA! connectivity software, it also supports software written for IBM and IRMA coax adapters. It is usually not necessary to change the hardware settings because the adapter automatically identifies the type of software being used. The adapter can be used to connect stand-alone PCs or LAN gateways. Technical Overview The factory default DIP switch settings on the 3270 adapter are set for the most commonly encountered configurations. In some situations, it may be necessary to change the factory default settings. This document describes the function of each switch setting. This document also contains information about the coax and RJ-11 telephone-style jacks on the adapter. DIP Switch Settings On the 3270 adapter, you will notice a block of 10 switches in the lower left corner. For examples of two types of Attachmate Advanced 3270 Adapters, refer to Figure 1 on page 2. The DIP switch settings are the same for both types of adapters. Figure 1 - Advanced 3270 Adapters and Default DIP Switch Settings As shown in Figure 1, all 10 switches on the adapter are in the OFF (default) position. The chart below lists each switch and describes its function in both the ON and OFF positions. To set a switch to ON, press down on the ON side of the switch. Start with switch 1 and set each switch in numerical order. Switch Number Description 1 This switch is unused. 2 INTEN - Interrupt 2 enable. ON - Overrides software and disables IRQ2. OFF - Permits software to enable/disable IRQ2. 3 IBMEN - IBM I/O interface enable. ON - Disables IBM I/O interface. OFF - Enables IBM I/O interface. 4 and 5 IBMHI/LO - IBM I/O register addresses. There are four possible combinations for these switches. The default setting (OFF/OFF) is listed first, followed by alternate settings. Switch 4 Switch 5 Address OFF OFF = 2D0-2DF OFF ON = 6D0-6DF ON OFF = AD0-ADF ON ON = ED0-EDF 6 CX-EN - Power up communications. ON - Communications are activated on power up. This may only be necessary when using some IRMA-compatible software. OFF - Communications are not activated at startup. When emulating IBM, communications will be enabled by software. When emulating IRMA, communications will be enabled by the first valid received IRMA command. 7 MEMEN - Memory enable. ON - Power up with memory disabled; software can enable it. OFF - Power up with memory at CE000-CFFFF. The software can change the address. 8 IRMEN - IRMA I/O enable. ON - Disables IRMA I/O interface. OFF - Enables IRMA I/O interface. 9 and 10 IRMHI/LO - IRMA I/O register addresses. There are four possible combinations for switches 9 and 10. The default setting (OFF/OFF) is listed first, followed by alternate settings. Switch 9 Switch 10 Address OFF OFF =220-227 OFF ON =280-287 ON OFF =260-267 ON ON =240-247 Configuring for IBM-Only and IRMA-Only Mode The table below explains the settings for IBM-only and IRMA-only modes. Setting Description IBM-only mode In this mode, the IRMA I/O addresses are disabled. The memory address range of the Advanced 3270 Adapter is CE000-CFFFF. The I/O address of the adapter is 2D0-2DF and interrupts are enabled on IRQ2. To run in IBM-only mode, move switch 8 (IRMEN) to the ON position. All other switches must be in the OFF position. IRMA-only mode In this mode, all memory addresses are disabled, all IBM I/O addresses are disabled, and interrupts are disabled. The I/O address range is 220-227. In IRMA-only mode, it is only possible to run in CUT mode; DFT mode is not supported. In addition, the diagnostic tests will not function in IRMA-only mode. To run in IRMA-only mode, move switches 2 (INTEN), 3 (IBMEN), and 7 (MEMEN) to the ON position. All other switches must be in the OFF position. Coax and RJ-11 Telephone-Style Jacks The coax/RJ-11 switch is located directly above the coax jack (see Figure 1 on page 2). One end of the switch is labeled "COAX" and the other end is labeled "RJ-11." If appropriate, move the switch from the coax setting to the RJ-11 setting. On some adapters, the polarity switch is directly behind the RJ-11 jack (see Figure 1 on page 2). This switch provides polarity reversal of the twisted pair interface. To properly connect the adapter, choose the appropriate cable type and then move the polarity switch to the "straight through" position (=). If the proper cable is not available, move the switch to the reversed position (X). This setting reverses the polarity of pins 3 and 4. Additional Information If you have further questions regarding Attachmate products, please call Attachmate Customer Support at (800) 688-3270. Technical bulletins and other information about Attachmate products are available on our FaxBack system. To reach FaxBack, call (800) 688-3270 and select option 7 from the menu. Technical Bulletins are included in the 1000 series of FaxBack documents. For example, Technical Bulletin 67 would be ordered as document 1067 in FaxBack. The Attachmate Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) can be reached at (206) 649-6660. 1200 - 14400 Baud Rate 8,N,1 Communication parameters ANSI-BBS Terminal emulation Copyright 1993 Attachmate Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the USA. Attachmate and EXTRA! are registered trademarks of Attachmate Corporation. FaxBack is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. PC/XT is a trademark and IBM, AT, and PS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. IRMA is a trademark of Digital Communications Associates, Inc. Technical Bulletin 110 Prepared by Attachmate Customer Support